Doctoral Program of political Islam – Political Science UMY Conducts an ISO 9001: 2015 Audit

Doctoral Program of political Islam – Political Science conducted an ISO 9001: 2015 Audit, Monday (2/9) in the Islamic Political Conference Room Lt. 1, UMY Integrated Postgraduate Campus Building. You are acting as an auditor, Nur Azizah Indrastuti, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep, and Anna Nur Nasilah Chamim, S.T., M.Eng from the UMY Quality Assurance Agency.
The Audit was carried out as an effort to check the completeness of the documents in the study program. Some materials such as Work Program, Identification of HR Needs, Standard Operation Procedure (SOP), Study Process Map and so on are checked by the Auditor to find out the completeness and provide input for improvement to the document.
The Audit was attended by Dr Zuly Qodir, M.Ag (Chair of the Study Program), Dr Mega Hidayati, M.A. (Chair of the Study Program Quality Control Group) and Study Program Staff. At the end of the Audit, the Auditor provides input and suggestions for several documents that need to be corrected and completed.


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