Expert Lecture with Dr. Haedar Nashir Discusses Contemporary Islam in Indonesia

Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Central Executive Board (PPM), Dr. Haedar Nashir, M.Sc gave an Expert Lecture to students of Islamic-political science at UMY, Tuesday (8/10) in the Meeting Room of the Islamic Political Study Program, Postgraduate Building Lt. 1 UMY Integrated Campus. Six new students are enthusiastic and active in attending lectures organized by the Political Doctoral Program in Islam and Political Science.
In front of students, Dr. Haedar Nashir discusses contemporary Islam in Indonesia. The face of Indonesian Islam today and in the future requires continuity in addition to maintaining its moderate character, as well as advancing to be able to compete with people and other nations in the new world arena in a very dynamic and complex modern age. Middle Islam (wasithiyah, moderate) with a gentle, peaceful, calm, tolerant, and harmonious face integrated with a progressive Islam that displays awareness of rationality, objectivity, science, technology, hard work, discipline, independence, professionalism, and other values ​​of progress so that the majority of the people present as a superior force.
Muslims must emerge as a modern nation and have centers of excellence, as are the characteristics of an advanced society. Indonesian Muslims will appear as spreaders of rahmatan Lil-Alamin when he has the advantage to be given to his people and the world community. In conclusion, Indonesian Muslims are not enough to have moderate character, but also must advance (progress), which is superior in all fields of life, so that its presence as a bearer of the mission of mercy for the universe is genuinely manifested in real life on this earth. This is where the importance of Muhammadiyah’s position as an Islamic movement that presents the role of progressing Islam in Indonesia in entering the 21st century


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