Many Journal Managers Have Yet Grasped Publication Rules and Ethics

Jurnal Komunikator of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) collaborating with Relawan Jurnal Indonesia (RJI) conducted training in ‘Open Journal System’ (OJS) at A.R. Fachruddin A on Saturday (1/12). This training aimed to provide knowledge of how to manage and operate the online OJS for journal managers in Indonesia since many of them need more understanding of the information.
At the training attended by 80 journal managers that 45 of them were from Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, a volunteer of RJI explained the OJS system focusing on journal managers. “This training is addressed to journal managers since their duties are as tough as editors’ and reviewers’,” declared Head of RJI Andri Putra Kesmawan.
Andri stated that many journals managers have yet conceived entire rules and ethics of journal publication. There is misconduct that they often do infringements of publication ethics. “The violations occurred due to a lot of demands and rules. Thus, this training may give comprehensions of dos and dons of publishing journals, and journal managers should be more cautious to publish articles,” emphasized Andri.
Additionally, the training may improve quality of journals as the Jurnal Komunikator of Department of Communication Science of UMY achieved the 4th rank of SINTA accreditation on 9 July 2018 from Directorate General of Research Reinforcement and Development of Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenistekdikti). “The Jurnal Komunikator has concerned with the online system. I am delighted at the Indonesian journal development which we supervise as the Jurnal Komunikator of UMY,” expressed Andri.


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