The Importance of Following the Orders of Allah as a Reflection of The Tale of Prophet Adam AS

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) and the Tamantirto branch of Muhammadiyah hosted an Eid-Al Adha Mass Prayer in an open field by UMY Central Campus’ Lapangan Bintang on Sunday (11/8) Morning. The Mass Prayer was led by UMY’s Vice-Rector of Academics, Dr. H. Sukamta, M.T., IPM, who also gave a post-prayer speech afterwards.
For the 1440 Hijriyah Eid-Al Adha speech, Sukamta reminds the masses of the tale of Prophet Adam AS and his wife, Hawa, who first met in the fields of Arafah after they were banished from Heaven for disobeying Allah SWT. “On this day, 10th of Dzulhijah, we Muslims celebrate Eid-Al Adha. Yesterday, we all performed the Arafah fast, which will absolve our sins for the previous year and the next. Allah SWT taught us much with the Arafah incident of Prophet Adam AS and Hawa. Arafah was the place of reunion for the first two humans on earth, after disobeying Allah SWT’s rules and being evicted from Heaven.”
The best lesson that can be taken from said incident is the need to obey Allah SWT’s orders. “Allah SWT has showered Adam and Hawa with blessing while they were in heaven. The only item prohibited in Heaven was the Khuldi (apple) fruit, but the Devil tempted them and incited the wrath of Allah. Because of that, we need to always obey His commands, for those who obey his commands will be blessed with unending bliss,” Sukamta added in front of his flock after the mass prayer.
As humans, we must be able to resist temptation, for that is the most difficult struggle. “Iron can be bent with fire, fire can be quenched with water, water can evaporate from the sun and be turned into a cloud, which can stop airplanes but be blown by the wind, wind cannot blow over a mountain, but even mountains fall to humans who can build tunnels and roads around it. And humans can be beaten by their own desires,” said the UMY Vice-rector of academics.
The next lesson that can be learned from the Eid-Al Adha moment is the tale of Ibrahim AS and Ismail AS regarding obedience and patience, which culminates in Allah’s orders to sacrifice animals as Sukamta implored in his speech. “Ibrahim told his son about the dream he just had regarding Allah SWT’s orders to sacrifice Ismail. With solemn obedience and patience, the father and son performed the deed, before Allah SWT switched Ismail with a sheep.”
In six days, we will commemorate Indonesia’s 74th Independence, and Sukamta closed his speech to implore the Muslims to live harmoniously and stick to Pancasila. “As we all know, our independence was won with the influence of our forefathers, so we must live harmoniously and stick to the Pancasila ideology. So let us give our best to the people, the nation, and humanity,” Sukamta closes. (Hbb)


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