UMY Achieves Sinta Awards 2018 from Kemenristekdikti

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) and its lecturer achieved ‘Sinta Awards 2018’ from Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti). The achievement was rewarded due to a lot of research conducted by the university parties.

Science and Technology Index (Sinta) is a central portal of science and technology encompassing intellectual property as well as the impacts (citation), community service, and expertise in Indonesia. Sinta is a program promoted by Kemenristekdikti.

In an interview on Thursday (5/7) at Office of Information Facilities of UMY Wini Setya Nugroho, Ph.D., in charge of Sinta at UMY stated that UMY becomes top 5 for a private university actively doing research. UMY gained a score of 259 from 2016 to 2018, while the score sum was 2,024.

“UMY obtains Sinta Awards 2018 with ranking 4 for a private university category,” stated Wini.

Rini also informed that Department Head of Electrical Engineering Dr. Ramadoni Syahputra, S.T., M.T. got the Sinta Awards 2018 for an author from a private university. From 2016 to 2018, he conducted a lot of research and he gained a core of 22.41.

“I hope that UMY lecturers can do research so that the achievement can be maintained and enhanced,” expected Rini.



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