1st International Conference of Graduate Program “Social Science, Relligion and Humanities”

July 5th, 2019 on Friday an event of conference have been held by Doctoral Program of Political Islam – Political Science. In the event, there are four keynote speakers they are Prof. Nelly can Dorn Harder and Prof. Michaelle Browers, Ph.D from Wake Forest University, USA; Assoc. Prof. Bilveer Singh, Ph.D from National University of Singapore and Prof. Dr. Irwan Abdullah from Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia.
Prof. Nelly van Dorn Harder from Wake Forest University revealed that “researchers or educated people must have a broad view not limited by any of the sciences”, which has several times to come to Indonesia to discuss about Islam.
The discussion of religion, especially Islam, was increasingly interesting when Assoc Prof. Bilveer Singh, Ph.D. the National University of Singapore lecturer explained his views on Religion and Radicalism. He explained that “for whatever reason hold on, radicalism is not allowed anywhere. So far, radicalism has always been aimed at a particular religion, even though it is not. I have done research by interacting directly with several terrorism inmates to collect data, for me Pancasila is a very strong and right ideology in Indonesia. That is what must continue to be studied so that the value of radicalism or the like can be lost”.

From the presentations, we can conclude about Islam perspective of keynote speakers that of all the phenomena that have occurred especially in Indonesia when there are two religion organizations, one another considers that they are the best. But for an educational institution, it must be addressed wisely especially by a researcher, because Islam must be thoroughly studied.

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