Closed Defense: Andy Dermawan

Yogyakarta, on Monday August  6, 2018 the close defense for Andy Dermawan, a student of Political Islam titled “Political Behavior of Muhammadiyah Elite in Temanggung Regency Election in Central Java : Case Study in Kauman Area” was conducted. The close defense was in Study Hall, 1st Floor of Graduate Building, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.

Andy explained that the elite behavior of Muhammadiyah in Temanggung in Pemilukada 2013 was moderately-accommodative, ie tendency to take middle way and ability to adjust to the existing dynamics. The research result a conclusion, the factors that influence society (respondents) choosing Anif Punto are rational factors. Rational factors are spelled out in the indicators, namely the promises of candidates/parties, the ability of candidates, beliefs about future performance, and the vision, mission, and program of candidates/parties.

The Assessors/Examiners are Dr. Hasse J, M.A (Chairman), Prof. Dr. Tulus Warsito, M.A (Promoter / Examiner I), Dr. Mahli Zainuddin, M.Si (Co-promoter / Examiner II), Prof. Dr. Achmad Nurmandi, M.A (Examiner III), Prof. Dr. Musa Asy’arie (Examiner IV), Prof. Dr. Sjafri Sairin, M.A (Examiner V) and Dr. Ulung Pribadi, M.Si (Examiner VI).

After considering the answers of the Assessor Team’s questions and objections, the assessors/examiners agreed Andy Dermawan to join opened defense by revision. Andy Dermawan was required to improve his dissertation as the Assessors/examiners Team’s advice, input, and direction.


Beasiswa BPI 2023 & LPDP-Kemenag RI masih dibuka!!!