Dr. Zuly Qodir: Political Islam-Political Science Optimistic to Exceed IKS Target

Doctoral Program of Political Islam-Political Science is optimistic that the University has set the IKS target for 2019-2020. Currently, some Strategic Performance Indicators (IKS) standards have reached above 100%, and others have exceeded 50%.
As conveyed by the Chair of the UMY Political and Political Science Study Program UMY, Dr. Zuly Qodir, M.Ag, in the 2019-2020 Annual Work Meeting (RKTT) held by the Postgraduate Program, Saturday (8/2) in the Meeting Room of the UMY Integrated Postgraduate Campus Directorate. The meeting has been attended by the Director, Deputy Directors, Head of Study Programs, and Secretariat of Education in the postgraduate program environment.
Zuly Qodir explained that the study program’s IKS target that increases every year requires real effort and hard work to exceed the goal. He invited all study program components to work together and play an active role in achieving IKS.
“We hope that all lecturers and study program staff can work hard in meeting the IKS target and even exceed the set target,” concluded Zuly Qodir


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