Improve Archives and Letters Governance, Islamic Political Staff Attends E-Letter and E-Archive Training

Doctoral Program of Political Islam – Political Science sends Staff representatives to attend the E-Letter and E-Archive training held by the Human Resources Bureau (BSDM). The training took place on Tuesday (8/20) at Puskom A AR Fachruddin Building, Integrated Campus of UMY.
This activity was attended by all staff representatives from study programs, institutions and bureaus and other work units within the Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. This system makes it easy to store archives online so that when needed, it can be quickly done for the search process. Also, the use of E-Letters makes it easier to manage outgoing and incoming mails and can be forwarded to the Head of Study Program or Secretary of Study Program to get follow-up and respond to letters.
It is expected that staff can understand and comprehend the governance of records and records properly and thus minimizing errors in administration.


Beasiswa BPI 2023 & LPDP-Kemenag RI masih dibuka!!!