Islam and Indonesian Political Populism

Director of the Postgraduate Program of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Prof. Noorhaidi Hasan, Ph.D. gave an Expert Lecture to Political Political Science Doctoral Students on Thursday (10/10) in the Study Room at the UMY Integrated Postgraduate Campus Study Room. Six students were very active and enthusiastic in attending the lecture.
In front of students, Prof. Noorhaidi Hasan explained that Indonesian Islam in recent years was influenced by the political populism movement that occurred in the Middle East so that the face of Islam became very political. Almost all public spaces become Muslim civic spaces constructed by the political elite and the Islamic elite.
He added grassroots do not understand much about the Islamic populism movement, which has a political agenda. But because it is driven by the religious elite as if it will be purely a religious movement even though the political load is powerful. Therefore, Muslims must be given a critical understanding of various national and global issues, so that religious and political elites do not only use people. The role of universities is vital here besides organizations such as Muhammadiyah and NU as Indonesian Islamic civil power.


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