Islamic Politics Hold Special Dissertation Guidance for Kemenag Scholarship Students

A dissertation is a final project for students at the doctoral level, not least for students of the Doctoral Program of Political Islam – Political Science Sciences, Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. To improve the quality of the student dissertation, the Doctoral Program of Political Islam – Political Science Sciences holds Special Guidance to students who are working on a dissertation.
Special Guidance was held on Monday (27/8) in the Islamic Political Science-Political Sciences Postgraduate Lt. Meeting Room. 1, Kasman Singodimedjo Building, UMY Integrated Campus. Appearing as a speaker and mentor at Bimsus, Prof. Dr. Achmad Nurmandi, M.Sc, Dr. Hasse J., M.A, and Dr. Mega Hidayati, M.A. On this occasion, students convey the progress or development of the dissertation being worked on. Meanwhile, in front of students, Prof. Dr. Achamd Nurmandi, M.Sc explained that the discussion expected not to widen everywhere, but to focus on answering the problems under study.
The scholarship students from the Ministry of Religion who participated and attended the Special Guidance included Rasdha Diana, Faisal, and M. Thohar Al-Abza. In the future, this Special Guidance activity can be carried out continuously.


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