Progress Report: Efforts to Encourage Students to Pass on Time

Dr. Hasse J., M.A (left) when giving direction to students
Doctoral Program of Political Islam and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta held a meeting with students on Friday (3/13) in the Meeting Room of the Postgraduate Director. This forum is an effort to find out student academic progress (Progress Report) and study program steps to encourage students to graduate on time. The activity was opened and led directly by Dr. Hasse J., M.A (study program secretary) and followed by political Islam-political science students.
Dr. Hasse revealed that the progress report could monitor the progress of writing dissertations and scientific publications of students. Students must take academic stages such as proposal examinations, dissertation writing reports, dissertation seminar results to open exams.
“In addition to passing the academic stage, students are required to have scientific publications from their dissertations. The dissertation research must be published in a reputable international journal. This is one of the requirements for students to take open and judicial examinations, “Hasse explained.
The Secretary of Study Program who likes to play soccer emphasized that students are intensive in conducting dissertation guidance with promoters. He hoped that this regular meeting could stimulate and encourage students to complete their studies and graduate on time.


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