The Role of Bung Karno and Muhammadiyah in the Nation

Indonesia is a democratic country that is based on the Pancasila ideology. These days, many people are questioning the truth of this ideology and the history of why the ideology was formed and how the Pancasila ideology was based on Islam because of the many ulama figures who played a role in its independence. This question has lingered in the minds of the Indonesian people because they is felt that the policies made by the current government do not reflect the values contained in Pancasila. More and more Indonesian people do not feel that the current government policies are just. There are many areas in Indonesia that have not been touched by the government. This should be the focus of the government when it comes to maintaining the territorial integrity of Indonesia.
In order to inform the public about the historical information of the true ideology of the Indonesian people, The Islamic Politics Doctoral Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) held a seminar on titled “Kemuhammadiyahan dan Kebangsaan: Bung Karno, Api Islam and Muhammadiyah”. This event presents figures who are experts in Muhammadiyah history and national affairs, including, Prof. Dr. Ahmad Syafii Ma’arif, M.A (Ulama dan Ilmuan Pendidik Indonesia), Yudi Latief, Ph.D (Head of UKP-PIP 2017-2018), Prof. Dr. Bambang Purwanto, MA (Professor of FIB UGM), and Dr. Zuly Qadir, M.Ag (Head ofof UMY’s Political and Political Science Study Program). Prof. Dr. Bambang Purwanto, MA stated that democracy places Pancasila at its lowest point. “Democracy is the result of the western government system and damages the values of Pancasila,” he said.
On the same occasion, Yudi Latief, Ph.D revealed that during Sukarno’s journey to seek knowledge about Islam, his diverse family background made it very complicated. He has values in Javanese culture, theosophy, and Islam until he found out about Muhammadiyah and became a member. “Bung Karno once said these legendary words among Muhammadiyah: “Once a Muhammadiyah, always a Muhammadiyah”. These words are not only meant for Muhammadiyah as an organization, but also for me as a member. I hope that when I read the names of Muhammadiyah members, who are 175,000 in number, my name is still listed in it. I hope my name is not removed from the membership list of Muhammadiyah.” he said.
Yudi Latif added that the progress of a nation without the aid of religious spiritual impulse is impossible. “We see that the spirit of the western nations is weakening because they do not have the spiritual drive of religion, because only Islam is able to make the human spirit flare up,” he added.
The same notion was also presented by Dr. Zuly Qadir, M.Ag, who revealed that Soekarno once said Muslims in Indonesia were Sontoloyo (nonsense). “At first, the statement sounds as if he were insulting the Muslims. But that statement was aimed at Muslims who do not want to distribute their wealth to orphans, have no regard for the poor and those who have robbed their fellow Muslims,” he said.
“Understanding Islam should not only contextual, but also holistic. As KH. Ahmad Dahlan once did, if we only look at the Qur’an and the Hadith, then there is no order to make an Islamic movement, an Islamic school, or an Islamic hospital. But KH. Ahmad Dahlan founded all those things, and they had has enormous benefits for Muslims in Indonesia. That means he applied Islam not contextually but holistically,” he added. (Ads)


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