Understanding Fasting and Idul Fitri by Sharing

Muslims has passed Ramadhan and now it is Syawal 1439 Hijri so that they are expected to enhance their faith and all worships done during Ramadhan can raise Muslims’ empathy toward social issues. Besides, giving zakat al-Fitr is a means of each muslim to celebrate a victory happily.

On Wednesday (27/6) at Studio 1 Televisi Republik Indonesia (TVRI) Yogyakarta, rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budianto, M.P. became a speaker at “Pelengkung Gading” under the theme of “How We Interpret Idul Fitri.” Gunawan stated that Ramadhan and Syawal possess a profound meaning for Muslims. He also conveyed that the main virtue of doing worships in Ramadhan is to ease Muslims’ burdens.

“Fasting and Idul Fitri should be able to lead to the increasing of Muslims’ empathy toward social problems and giving zakat al-Fitr shows that Islam cares about the social issues,” declared Gunawan.

Furthermore, Gunawan told that UMY is Amal Usaha Muhammadiyah (AUM) focusing on an educational area and contributing to solve the social issues through programs of community service in Yogyakarta and other areas. A number of UMY students also perform community service in 3T (the frontier, outermost, and remote) areas, namely Tli’u, East Amanuban (NTT) by Dharma Cita Nusantara (30 students); Sembalun, Lombok Timur (NTB) by Generasi Indonesia Mengabdi (49 students); Sambi Rampas, Manggarai Tmur (NTT); Warmon, Sorong (Papua Barat) by Mahardika Bakti Nusantara; Tepal, Sumbawa (NTB) by Unit Mengabdi Indonesia (26 students); Maspul, Sei Limau, Bukit Harapan, Sebatik Tengah (Kalimantan Utara) by Generasi Bakti Negeri (29 students); and Long Keluh, Berau (Kalimantan Timur) by Lensa Borneo (22 students).

“We send our students to perform community service in Yogyakarta and areas of West Indonesia. It aims to disseminate Islamic values and to provide something new for the community,” added Gunawan.

Meanwhile, chairman of BAZNAS Prof. Dr. Bambang Sudibyo, MBA mentioned benefits of zakat. It can assist people and cleanse people’s wealth since there is other people’s rights in one’s wealth.

Bambang also encourages all people to give zakat regularly because zakat will not drive people poor. “Let us give zakat. The more we give zakat, the greater favors Allah gives to us. Zakat will not reduce our wealth,” he emphasized.

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