Younger Muhammadiyah Generations need to Recognize Muhammadiyah Figures

Because many younger generations of Muhammadiyah, especially the students and lecturers of Muhammadiyah college environments still cannot recognize the prominent figures of Muhammadiyah, the Islamic Political Studies Doctorate Program hosted a Muhammadiyah and National Studies-themed Seminar with the theme “KH. Ahmad Azhar Basyir, Morals, Islamic Laws, and Islamic thinking”. This event was hosted on Saturday (13/7) in the Postgraduate courtroom of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta’s Kasman Singodimejo Room.
The Muhammadiyah and National Studies invited three speakers, namely Evi Sofia Inayati, S.Psi as the daughter of K.H Ahmad Azhar Basyir, Drs. Achmad Charris Zubair, S.U. as a lecturer of Philosophy from Universitas Gadjah Mada, and Alimatiul Qibtiyah, S.AG., M.Si., Ph.D. as the head of Aisyiyah Central Board’s Bureau of Research and Development.
In his opening statements, Dr. Ir Gunawan Budiyanto, M.P as the Rector of UMY stated that many people from the young generation cannot remember the figureheads of Muhammadiyah, which warrants the hosting and documentation of this seminar regarding the introduction of Muhammadiyah figures. The sixth Muhammadiyah studies seminar aims to bring said figureheads down to earth, chief among which is K.H. Ahmad Azhar Bashir.
“K.H. Ahmad Azhar Basyir is an admirer of Buya Hamka in the studies of Tasawuf (Sufism). Because of that, the policies he created when he was the Chairman of Muhammadiyah involved Tasawuf and Aqidah (Faith). Many have stated that during his leadership, the principles of Muhammadiyah were returned to their roots by increasing studies regarding the Qur’an and As-Sunnah,” Gunawan added.
Furthermore, According to Drs. Achmad Charris Zubair, K.H. Ahmad Azhar Basyir had a philosophical mindset which proved that philosophy cannot be the opposite of faith, but works to complement and strengthen it. “K.H Ahmad Azhar Basyir was a much-needed figure when people with different points of view needed to be understood, rather than ostracized or mocked,” He stated.
In addition, KH. Ahmad Azhar Basyir was also someone who cared deeply for family values and education in the family. “In education, especially for children, KH. Ahmad Azhar Basyir emphasizes diligence and patience. He communicated with children through book discussions, and did not hesitate to help with mundane chores,” Stated Evi, the daughter of K.H. Ahmad Azhar Basyir.
Seminar ini juga membahas tentang pemikiran K.H. Ahmad Azhar Basyir berkaitan dengan gender khususnya pada Buku Keluarga Sakinah, Keluarga Surgawi. ”Dalam bukunya tersebut KH. Ahmad Azhar Basyir menjelaskan mengenai adanya perspektif keadilan dan kesalingan dalam keluarga salah satunya Equal Patrnership antara Suami dan Istri,” jelas Alimatul. (sofia)
This seminar also discussed K.H. Ahmad Azhar Basyir’s philosophy regarding gender, especially in his book “Keluarga Sakinah, Keluarga Surgawi. “In his book, K.H. Ahmad Azhar Basyir explained the perpective of fairness and relationship between family members, including equal partnership between husband and wife,” Alimatul clarified. (sofia)


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