Opened Defense: Malik Ibrahim

Yogyakarta, on Saturday April 7, 2018 the open defense for Malik Ibrahim, a student of Political Islam – Political Science titled “The Dynamics of Judicial Coaching in Indonesia: The Study of Religious Justice in Reformation Era” was conducted. The open defense was in Amphiteater Room, 4th  Floor of Graduate Building, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.

Malik explained the Religious Courts  underwent a change from the “double-roof” coaching (double coaching) in the pre-reformation era to one-roof coaching during the Reformation era due to the efforts of the Religious Courts  officers to make changes in coaching, with the hope that the Religious Courts is progressing compared with the previous era besides to the current reform of the judiciary in the early days of reform which called for the independence of the judiciary. Factors affecting Religious Courts  changes from before were “double-roof judiciary” (double coaching) in the new order era into “single-roof judiciary” (single couching) in the Reformation era is due to internal factors and external factors.

He added that Internal factors include: (a) Efforts of Religious Courts  officers seeking to make changes for progress and independence. (b) By turning into a “one-roof coaching” then court management becomes more efficient. (c) To make easier communication between Religious Courts apparatus. (d) Opening opportunities for Religious Courts apparatus to compete with the apparatus from other jurisdictions under the Supreme Court to occupy a particular position. While external factors such as the enactment of several laws and regulations that replace the existing laws.

The Assessors/Examiners are Sri Atmaja P. Rosyidi, ST., M.Sc.Eng., Ph.D., P.Eng (Chairman), Dr. Hasse J, M.A  (Secretary), Prof. Dr. Tulus Warsito, M.Si (Promoter / Examiner I), Dr. Sidik Jatmika, M.Si (Co-promoter I / Examiner II), Dr. Ulung Pribadi, M.Si (Co-promoter II / Examiner III), Prof. Dr. Kamsi, M.A  (Examiner IV), Dr. Trisno Raharjo, S.H., M.Hum (Examiner V) and Prof. Dr. Achmad Nurmandi, M.Sc (Examiner VI). This open defense was opened for students who want to attend it.

After considering the answers of the Assessor Team’s questions and objections, Malik Ibrahim was graduated and was awarded a Doctor of Political Islam-Political Science with all the rights and obligations attached to the title. Malik Ibrahim became the 11th  doctorate graduated by the Doctoral Program of Political Islam-Political Science, Directorate of Graduate Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.


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