Improving News Quality, Islamic Political Web Admin Joins Journalistic Training

As a medium of information and communication for students and the wider community, the need for up-to-date news is essential on a website. Responding to this, the Study Program (Study Program) Doctor of Political Islam-Political Science continues to encourage website admins to take part in journalistic training.
Web Admin of Study Program, Danang Eko Prastya, had the opportunity to take part in the Journalism Training held by the Public Relations and Protocol Bureau of the Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (UMY). This training took place on Monday (10/2) at the UMY Postgraduate Amphitheater. I was appearing as a guest speaker, Dr. Fajar Junaedi, M.Sc.
This Communication Studies lecturer at UMY revealed that news on the website should be published regularly, given the need for information. “At least the news is published twice a week so that the website looks active and increases reader interest,” Fajar said.
Fajar said that the structure and technique of quoting in writing news becomes an important thing that needs to be considered by the web admin. “The existence of 5 W + 1 H in the report must exist when writing news. Also, citations can make different patterns. For example, the first paragraph uses a direct quote, while the second paragraph can apply an indirect quote, “explained Fajar.
He hopes that this training can improve the quality and quantity of news on the study program’s website and faculty.


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