Four Prospective Graduates of Islamic Politics Carry Out Postgraduate Program Judisium

Ade Yamin (right) receives a judicial document from the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs
Ade Yamin, Ardli Johan Kusuma, Faisal and Tri Mulyadi were graduated from the Study Program (Doctoral Program) in Political Islam-Political Science. They succeeded and successfully followed Judicial Period III T.A. 2019-2020 after completing the open examination stages in the study program. The Yudisium was held by the Postgraduate Program at the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY), Monday (9/3) in the Amphitheater Room of the Postgraduate School.
Ade Yamin successfully won the best graduate study program with a GPA of 3.77 and his dissertation research was published in Al-Albab Journal Vol 8 No. 1, 2019 with the title “BEING MINORITY IN PAPUA: Religious And Political Identity Struggle Of The Dani Muslims”.
The graduation was attended by 72 prospective graduates who will graduate on Wednesday (11/3) at the UMY Sportorium. The event was led and opened by the Director of the UMY Postgraduate Program, Sri Atmaja P. Rosyidi, M.Sc. Eng, Ph.D., P.Eng, and was attended by all the Study Programs in the Postgraduate UMY environment. In addition, the final lecture was also held by inviting a guest speaker, Dr Agung Danarto, M. Ag, who brought material about “Muhammadiyah in the Life of the State and Pancasila”.
Ardli Johan Kusuma (right) with Dr. Zuly Qodir (Chair of Doctoral Program of Political Islam- Political Science)
Faisal (right) with Dr. Zuly Qodir (Chair of Doctoral Program of Political Islam- Political Science)
Tri Mulyadi (right) with Dr. Zuly Qodir (Chair of Doctoral Program of Political Islam- Political Science)

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